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What if a client disagrees with a decision made by WSIB?

WSIB should give your client a written decision letter about their claim. If your client disagrees after receiving the decision, they can dispute it through an appeal process. Ideally, your client should do this as soon as possible but definitely by the deadline set out in the decision letter they received from WSIB.

To go through the appeal process, your client needs to submit an Intent to Object Form to WSIB, but ideally, they should get legal advice before doing this.

More information on disputing decisions made by WSIB can be found here.

How You Can Help:

  • Step 1: If your client disagrees with a decision made by WSIB about their claim, you should refer them for legal advice as soon as possible. They can appeal the decision but there is a tight timeline for this to be done.
  • Step 2: If your client is unable to receive ongoing legal advice or assistance, you can help them complete and submit the Intent to Object Form. You can help them do this by writing down what they say and helping them submit the form online. Make sure they include all important information and documents, including any medical documents, that might be relevant to their claim.
  • Step 3: Warn your client that if they get money for loss of earnings from other benefit programs (e.g., Ontario Works, EI, etc.) while waiting for a decision from WSIB, they might need to pay back some of those benefits if they are approved for WSIB.