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What if someone has bedbugs or other pests in their unit?

General Rule: Landlords have a responsibility to get rid of any pests found in the unit. They also have a responsibility to stop pests from getting in. However, tenants also have a responsibility to work with their landlords to address any maintenance and/or repair issues. This means that your client might need to allow their landlord to enter their unit to resolve the issue or move some of their furniture before the unit can be cleaned.

How You Can Help:

  • Step 1: Tell your client it is not their responsibility to solve this problem. They should speak with their landlord immediately if they are experiencing this issue. 
  • Step 2: If your client has health concerns about certain methods of pest control (e.g., aerosol methods and respiratory concerns, etc.), make sure they tell their landlord before any steps are taken.
  • Step 3: If your client lives in an apartment building and their landlord does not take steps to resolve the problem, help your client contact their local health department or local property standards office, if there are any. They can make your client’s landlord take action. If your client lives in another type of unit (e.g., basement apartment, social housing, rooming house, etc.) and the problem continues, refer your client to a legal clinic.