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What is ODSP?

The Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) helps people who are in financial need who also have a disability. It offers two types of assistance: financial assistance and employment assistance.

Financial assistance is provided in two ways:

  1. Income Support (which is divided into two types of payment):
    • Basic needs’ support, for things like food and clothing
    • Shelter support for accommodations (e.g., rent, mortgage payments, utilities, etc.)
  2. Health & Other Benefits
    • These benefits are provided to ODSP recipients in addition to the income support they receive. This includes benefits related to employment, housing, prescription coverage, vision/dental care, assistive devices, diabetic supplies, etc.

Employment assistance is provided to help recipients get a job, keep a job, and advance in their job, but participating in or accessing these employment supports is voluntary for ODSP recipients. If a recipient wants to access this assistance, ODSP will work with service providers to fund employment placements and retention programs.