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What if someone is taken into custody?

Periods of incarceration, even if brief, can affect your client’s housing and their ability to pay rent. For example, if your client is receiving housing support benefits from a government income support program (e.g., Ontario Works, ODSP, etc.), they could be at risk of losing those benefits when incarcerated, putting them at a high risk of eviction for not paying rent. 

How You Can Help:

  • Step 1: If your client is currently incarcerated, make arrangements to check their mail for eviction paperwork in case their landlord has served them with it (e.g., Notice of Termination, Application to Evict a Tenant, Eviction Order, etc.)
  • Step 2: If your client is receiving income support from a government program (e.g., Ontario Works, ODSP, etc.), help them contact their worker to see if they can continue to receive their housing support payments while in custody in order to maintain their housing.
    • Note that your client will experience a reduction in their basic needs support from Ontario Works or ODSP while they are incarcerated, and this reduction might occur in the month(s) following their incarceration. You should warn your client so that they can prepare their finances.